“If you can look into the seeds of time, and say which grain will grow
and which will not speak then unto me.” If you're a fan of
Shakespeare, you will recognise this quote from Macbeth.
Since the beginning of time, humankind has been obsessed with
predictions. Fortunately, nowadays we don't need to rely on oracles or witches
of any sort. We have powerful algorithms that allow us to predict the future
and even change it.
How cool is that?
At CWT Solutions Group we have gone a step further when it comes to data
management and created a powerful crystal ball to improve travel management and
find new ways of saving.
How did we manage that? By integrating traditional travel data with
public information on commodity prices, macroeconomic indicators, weather and
even holidays. All of these are then analysed to identify patterns and
correlations, generating robust predictions for a company’s future spend,
specifically the number of trips and cost per trip.
Thanks to these insights, our clients can make small changes to travel
policies and supplier programmes that can lead to great savings – up to 10%
If you also want to save that much, you can apply our tailored
predictive modelling to your travel programme by focusing on three key
stakeholders: your travellers; your internal stakeholders - like
directors, management, and finance teams - and your suppliers and procurement
When it comes to your travellers, you want to control costs, ensure your
caps are matching the market conditions and make sure they use the right
suppliers. To achieve these, you can:
· Communicate
with defined traveller groups to let them know about price increases. Avoid
non-compliance and encourage them to take actions to remain within the travel
policy rules.
· Recommend
the use of an alternative supplier or suggest they postpone the trip to other
dates if they have flexibility in their travel plans.
· Blacklist
suppliers expected to have fares increase, or with forecasted limited
· Pro-actively
adjust caps, upwards or downwards in order to drive your travellers towards
suppliers not subject to rate increase.
Internal stakeholders are also key actors in your travel program
equation and you want to support business leaders with budget planning and
intelligence on future costs. You can make vast improvements in these areas:
· Better
advice on the most relevant actions to take for their travel budget, especially
if a destination where your company has business projects has been impacted.
· Insights
on travel trends.
· Location
for team meetings.
And, last but not least, you have your suppliers and the procurement
team. Here you want to be proactive when negotiating rates, and understand what
market trends are likely to occur. To achieve that, you can:
· Use
predictive analytics to adapt your negotiation strategy before, during and
after agreements renewals.
· Make
your supplier program better by managing the number of suppliers. You can do
this by adding more suppliers, fares, classes, rate types, or ancillary and
amenities and focus on the areas expected to increase.
· Adapt
your negotiations targets and caps.
· Review
your contractual goals (volume, market shares) set by the suppliers and monitor
that your negotiated classes or rate types are available.
· Ensure
your online booking tool matches your negotiation strategy and predictive
analytics outcomes.
Follow these steps and become a true king of travel management –
skipping all the drama of Shakespeare's masterpiece.
Blog author: Jim Lungu, Data Scientist, CWT Solutions Group, who will be exhibiting at Business Travel Show on 20-21 February at Olympia London. Secure your free ticket now at www.businesstravelshow.com.
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